
The Winged Pet Part 1 {Commision}

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It was a beautiful day in the land filled with lush forests of green. Mountains tall as the sky pierced into the heavens. A Few clouds drifted across the endless sky as the sun shined its light upon the life below.

The Dwellers of the forest went throughout their day as nature has given them. The Birds sang their songs as they flew over the trees. The Deer skipped throughout the meadows as the occasional predator lurked around trying to find their next meal.

Among all the dwellers of the forest one creature stood out. He sat upon a large branch of a tall oak tree staring out looking over the land. This creature was both man and considered beast for what made him that way were the feathery wings that were folded behind him and his name was, Zosk.

The Young Man just sat on the branch quietly deep in thought as his bare legs dangled over. He quietly sat there trying to think of what he wished to do this day. Being the mysterious man that he was, he lived on his own since the day by either grace of the known gods or a curse upon him, the wings that defined him grew from his back with feathers as graceful as an eagle.

Those that he called family didn’t know what to think or believe when their own child grew such extraordinary wings of an eagle. There were those who thought it was truly remarkable. But unfortunately there were those who allowed paranoia and hate to fill their hearts claiming the young boy was something of a demon and had to be cleansed.

Those who thought of the boy as a demon came in force to lay waste to the young winged boy in his home one night. His parents did what they could to defend their child and told him to flee. Zosk used his newfound wings to escape into the night, leaving behind the only ones he had known as family, to escape a horrid fate that awaited him if his parents didn’t give him the time he needed.

Zosk let a sigh escape from him as those memories haunted him at times. Being on his own since that day he stayed away from any known civilization and avoided humans as much as possible. He lived within the woods sharing it with all the animals that treated him like he was part of the forest itself.

The Young Man adapted quite well in his solitude growing a fine body, living off the land, and making anything he ventured to his home. He never stayed in one place very long when human’s in great number crossed through or if something else in nature forced him to leave it.

While, Zosk, continued to sit in the tree deep within his thoughts, a lone stranger, stalked through the woods. Expertly she made her way through the thick brushes and avoided stepping on anything noisy. This Stanger was a hunter, currently on the prowl to find and catch what she intended to find and capture.

The Hunter moved through the forest keeping a sharp eye out for what she came here to find. She had heard tales of a mysterious winged creature within the forest, deep within the predator infested parts, where no one dared live.

The Hunter named Aurra, had to find this creature of apparent legend. She may have never have seen it before but like any true hunter would know is that nothing can be fiction if there are rumors and apparent sightings of a creature worthy to be spread the tale of.

It would be a great shame to kill such a fantastic beast so the hunter had set out not to kill, but to capture. Throughout the parts of the forest she laid various traps that were made not to truly harm anyone or anything that was unfortunate enough to fall in or get caught into. Each trap was made to only to subdue and keep its prize at bay until the hunter checks upon it.

Zosk continued to sit upon the tree branch and looked into the sky seeing some clouds start to block out the sun. For some reason he started to feel uneasy. He had a feeling that something just didn’t feel right as the forest below grew quiet and dim.

It was strange as the animals below were silent and some birds flew away from the trees. Zosk stood up and realized that his suspicions might ring true for something has put the forest on edge and only one thing can put it like that. Man!

Zosk figured now that either a party of man must be crossing though or maybe it was just another hunter coming to claim a deer to carry back to their homes and feast upon.

The Young Man spread out his wings and took to the sky, staying just above the tree lines as he flapped his wings softly just enough to maintain a steady speed. Soaring with the grace of an eagle as he left his perch to find another place to stay far from any sight of man.

Meanwhile, Aurra continued to lurk through the forest. She spotted the occasional deer which flocked away at the first sight of her. Normally she would be out for deer to kill for the latest catch would mean food on the table and its hide to use for any material she could make from it but she had plenty of clothing, enough handmade items fashioned from a deer hide. Her Quarry this day was the mysterious winged creature known to fly around these parts and she would not be deterred in her quest.

She eventually reached a small open area where she took a moment to sit by a tree to rest. She looked to see a river nearby and decided it would be wise to quench her thirst for this day was going to be long indeed.

She ventured over and took a few cupped hands full of water quenched herself. But before she could take another sip she could hear something. She could hear the sound of beating wings and it was only getting louder each second. Something was coming. Whatever it was sounded big and was coming closer.

Aurra, withdrew from the lake and took cover behind some of thick bushes drawing out her crossbow ready to defend herself if need be. She readied an arrow within her weapon and was ready for what was coming her way but she was not prepared for what she seen just land by the river in front of her.

It was the creature of the folktales. The Reason she was out there, this creature was unlike anything she heard of. This seemed like a man but with wings of an eagle. Just shortly out his early years. With only wearing ragged shorts his figure looked thick and hardened a handsome man and it appeared to be like angel right from the heavens themselves.

Zosk unknowing of the hunter nearby knelt by the river so that he would drink from it before he would move on. However his destiny was about to change forever and he had no idea how it was going to be.

Aurra with utmost care put her crossbow to her side and took out some rope with a bolas attached to one end of it. This man or creature whatever he is, is a quarry that shouldn’t be killed for he is a majestic being and would be better to have at her side than just another trophy on her wall.

She was ready for this man looked like he has seen battle before noticing scars on his well tone body But if she could somehow bring him down or lead him into one of the various traps she set up, she might just be able to pull of this moment that would make her legendary.

With great speed she leapt up from her hiding place, twirling her rope with the bolas for a quick second before letting it loose at Zosk, where it quickly snagged around his leg.

Zosk jolted when he felt something wrapped around his ankle. Before he knew it, the object snagged and he was being dragged back. He snarled as he was dragged from the bank on the ground and turned over to see someone covered in dark green clothes and garbs matching with forest, with a crossbow on the figure’s side currently dragging him closer with each pull.

This was a human and for the first time since his childhood, Zosk was now at the mercy of another but like before he was prepared to not allow a human to take his life. He quickly spread out his wings and began flapping so hard that some feathers came out.

Aurra tried to hold on but the Winged Man was proving himself admirable, for quickly he rose into the air and flew into the forest she held onto the rope that still had him snagged with the bolas around his leg. But this proved her idea wasn’t the brightest as she was jolted forward and dragged as Zosk, tried to make his escape.

The Winged Man desperately tried to shake off his attacker as he flew between trees and zig zagged all over. His attacker was proving to be quite the nuisance and desperate. Zosk kept trying what he could for he flew over bushes and let his attacker be consumed by thorns that covered brushes. His actions gained him a shout of agony from his attacker but still he could feel the grip on his leg.

He couldn’t shake the bolas that were pinned to his leg off for they were small and wrapped around many times, keeping them from coming loose. He growled in frustration as tried to fly higher. But the added weight of his attacker and the bolas around his ankle kept him weighed down to just above ground level.

Aurra kept her grip on the rope despite the bushes that she was being dragged through, with the occasional knocking into one tree or another. She was in agony from the thorns that pierced through her skin and the extreme soreness that ached through her body but she would not deter. This was a chance of a lifetime here. She had a creature of bird and man at the end of her rope and this was not something she was going to let go, not without a good fight to be had.

Zosk equally was not going down without a fight either. Whoever this attacker was, she is not going to have his head. He did not know why he was being attacked when he didn’t provoke anything. But whatever the reason, he was not going allow this human to do whatever it is she wishes to do with him. He continued to fly on through the forest dragging the human along the way.

Aurra was starting to lose her grip on the creature. Her hands were starting to slip from the rope and her agonizing body was starting to get the best of her. Within moments she would lose this creature and her personal mission would be for naught. Never again would she have another opportunity.

Thinking of failure gave Aurra more determination. She locked her hands tightly again on the rope and tried to think of something. As Fate would be fortunate for her and not so much for Zosk, she noticed that they were coming up on one of her various traps.

Zosk was still pulling along the human; not noticing he was coming upon a clearing and overhead above it was a large net. The Net was hung above the ground being held up by a small rope. The rope linked to another rope tied across the bottom on the floor of the forest just barely noticeable which would trigger the trap as soon as someone trips over it.

Aurra noticed how the winged creature was still busy trying to shake her off. That they were just upon the net trap she had set, with him flying just above ground so he wasn’t going to trigger it and she would trigger it being dragged along the ground as she was.

If she was the one to fall into her own trap like this, he would get away as it would take her too long to get out. It was highly unlikely she would be able to find him again.

Quickly remembering her crossbow that was thankfully still strapped to her side as she left it despite the dragging she was being put through. She let go of the rope, letting the creature go, tumbled for a second quickly laying on her back grabbing for her crossbow and aimed where the rope was holding the net.

Zosk watched as the hunter took aim and fired her arrow at him. The Arrow whizzed past his head almost hitting him but missed precisely, which he then shot the hunter a taunting look but the joke was about to be turned on him as the arrow pierced right through the rope above the net cutting it and the net fell right on top of Zosk, just as he was about to pass under it.

Zosk screamed as the net with its weighted ends curled around him sending him to the forest floor. He twisted his body around, flapping his wings but all that did was tangle him up in the net more as he hit the ground hard, almost knocking the daylights out of him.

Zosk was now caught! He did his best to try and pry his out of the net but his wings and body were jammed in so many areas making his efforts futile, as well as his rolling around to maybe get a body part free but the net was crafted to a tight fit making sure hardly even a hand could get through it. With the net having weighted ends, they would tangle about each other in places making the net near impossible to escape from.

Aurra was now ecstatic! She did it! Her quest in the woods has proven to be victorious. She not only has found the creature of legend. She had him captured as she watched him constantly struggle within her net. She knew he was not going to get out of that and will only will sap his strength out.

She quickly stood up and ran over to him. Zosk shot her menacing looks and threats as he continued to struggle. The Hunter desperately tried to subdue him, getting more rope from a satchel to try and get him tied up. But the more she tried, the more he struggled. Jumping up and down like a fish trapped on land.

At one point when she tried to grab him at his legs, he managed to lean back and delivered a double kick to the hunter’s chest, knocking her back a few feet landing on the ground.

Aurra was used to dealing with struggling prey for she has hunted all manner of animal, from the gentle rabbit to the ferocious grizzly. This creature was not ready to be taken like he was, nor should he, she imagined. But one way or another, this creature of legend was going to be taken.

Zosk tried to fight back more when she came back up to him, kicking and struggling madly. She tried one more time to produce the rope, but Zosk kept her at bay. He kept up his only means of defense against her for a good long while. While still trying to pull himself free from the net that he was neatly tangled up in.

Time went on, as he managed to shake her off or knock her back some way. Zosk kept on struggling. But unknowing to himself, he was only delaying the inevitable. For this hunter woman had patience. Despite having her prey constantly keeping her away, she understood that all he was doing is sapping his strength and all she had to do was wait.

Aurra’s patience was soon rewarded. After a final attempted kick from Zosk, he finally collapsed onto the ground breathing heavily. All of his strength was now drained and he was completely exhausted. He couldn’t struggle anymore with the net being on him and keeping him tangled up so greatly from all the struggling that he did. It was now hopeless, as Aurra could see how tired he was and now she finally could do what she needed now.

Now Zosk was fully at the mercy of the hunter. Aurra, now with no more fighting to deal with, quickly went to work on positioning his body within the net. She got him to lay out flat then tied his legs together. After tying his legs, she tied his arms locking them to his chest tied them tightly. After some work she managed to fold his wings to his body and tied them together around him locking every part that would give him any chance of escaping. Having left the net about him to help keep him trapped and weighted down.

Taking a few minutes to check over her catch, Aurra made sure he had no signs of any injury. Other than some scratches, there was a large bump on his head a result of his own struggling, likely from knocking himself on one of the weighted ends near his head. Once it seem he was properly bound, Aurra gathered up her hunting materials. She took the rope and bolas that were still tied to Zosk’s ankle, removing the bolas and rope. Aurra carried the winged man away, to where he would be introduced to a life he never thought he would live.

Zosk just couldn’t fight anymore as he was lifted up. He wasted every bit of strength in him to fight off this mysterious attacker. He had idea why this human didn’t kill him? Instead it seems he was meant to be captured. All he could do now was to stare at the sky above and all the wondrous trees. He had no idea where he was being taken to but surely he believed that where it is, he was not going to like at all and vowed to find a way out of this.
Hello to you all, my dear friends. I would like to introduce to you all my second commission. This commission is for :icontargo-gryphon: 1 of 3 chapters he has commissioned me for.

I really want to express my gratitude to him for now only for commissioning me when I really needed help but he helped me edit out my mistakes when we went over the drafts together. So Thank you very much my friend. :) I hope you can enjoy this story and I hope all of you enjoy this story and the upcoming chapters in time.

If anyone would like to commission me, I am always available and you can check out my prices on my page for them. Have a great day, Everyone!
© 2017 - 2024 jazz316
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